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Skill Rankings for Bigracks

SkillsLevelXP to LvlProgressXPRank
Attack99 745,369 13,645,79137
Strength99 513,150 13,878,01036
Defence99 -801,040 15,192,20037
Hitpoints99 -7,572,386 21,963,54640
Magic99 -8,832,615 23,223,77529 
Ranged94 599,557 8,172,00149
Prayer99 493,076 13,898,08442
Summoning99 -881,142 15,272,30229
Fishing99 -1,203,423 15,594,58344
Cooking91 434,052 6,083,20150
Firemaking90 107,060 5,795,77149
Woodcutting87 404,366 3,981,41052
Fletching82 187,687 2,485,42756
Crafting90 466,923 5,435,90849
Smithing90 348,539 5,554,29249
Mining94 598,970 8,172,58848
Herblore96 950,657 9,741,97248 
Agility82 248,537 2,424,57752
Thieving93 533,502 7,411,11246
Slayer95 517,341 9,167,23646
Runecrafting99 -1,794,958 16,186,11830
Farming92 211,403 6,984,22651
Hunter91 527,277 5,989,97646
Construction91 490,052 6,027,20149
Dungeoneering82 217,072 2,456,04251
Divination86 305,235 3,667,05951
Invention70 116,070 8,809,59447
Archaeology77 34,436 1,594,76449
Necromancy62 6,895 361,70449  
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WE1 Saradomin Team ContributionNot Ranked
WE1 Zamorak Team ContributionNot Ranked