Runescape Bits and Bytes


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Levels Color Scale

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1 50 99
Skill Rankings for M A G I C C

SkillsLevelXP to LvlProgressXPRank
Attack99 -4,116,442 18,507,60227
Strength99 -4,162,894 18,554,05425
Defence99 -7,386,902 21,778,06230
Hitpoints99 -16,604,051 30,995,21134
Magic99 1,168,941 13,222,21948
Ranged98 1,027,138 12,007,29345 
Prayer97 360,213 11,445,39347
Summoning85 239,798 3,357,99450
Fishing94 223,759 8,547,79951
Cooking85 311,242 3,286,55056
Firemaking89 170,854 5,175,47852
Woodcutting92 616,791 6,578,83849
Fletching84 64,512 3,194,08253
Crafting93 460,141 7,484,47347
Smithing99 704,568 13,686,59243
Mining103 1,075,689 20,309,38437
Herblore94 701,666 8,069,89251
Agility81 109,093 2,311,99455 
Thieving87 192,738 4,193,03848
Slayer100 1,355,814 14,533,29542
Runecrafting85 31,846 3,565,94649
Farming89 193,929 5,152,40353
Hunter84 153,209 3,105,38553
Construction82 5,040 2,668,07453 
Dungeoneering83 61,628 2,889,74551
Divination99 -565,559 14,956,71940
Invention114 1,507,421 66,278,22239 
Archaeology96 870,540 9,822,08943
Necromancy104 2,105,983 21,505,02335
Duel TournamentNot Ranked
Bounty HuntersNot Ranked
Bounty Hunter RoguesNot Ranked
Fist of GuthixNot Ranked
Mobilising ArmiesNot Ranked
Barb. Assault AttackNot Ranked
Barb. Assault DefenceNot Ranked
Barb. Assault CollectionNot Ranked
Barb. Assault HealingNot Ranked
Castle Wars GamesNot Ranked
ConquestNot Ranked
Dominion TowerNot Ranked
The CrucibleNot Ranked
GG Resource RaceNot Ranked
GG AthleticsNot Ranked
WE1 Saradomin Team ContributionNot Ranked
WE1 Zamorak Team ContributionNot Ranked