Runescape Bits and Bytes


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1 50 99
Skill Rankings for Dj Select

SkillsLevelXP to LvlProgressXPRank
Attack84 127,499 3,131,09551
Strength80 98,443 2,094,37552 
Defence99 -17,143,801 31,534,96128
Hitpoints99 -21,962,593 36,353,75332
Magic99 -18,604,147 32,995,30723
Ranged97 20,690 11,784,91645
Prayer97 1,021,292 10,784,31449 
Summoning95 54,370 9,630,20747
Fishing99 -1,894,547 16,285,70743
Cooking87 221,237 4,164,53952
Firemaking99 -638,365 15,029,52537
Woodcutting99 -1,240,456 15,631,61640
Fletching99 1,150,008 13,241,15243
Crafting95 897,397 8,787,18045
Smithing90 519,753 5,383,07850
Mining99 -2,918,528 17,309,68841
Herblore97 55,851 11,749,75547
Agility83 215,301 2,736,07251
Thieving97 300,487 11,505,11943
Slayer93 113,148 7,831,46648
Runecrafting83 136,529 2,814,84449
Farming101 571,381 16,971,59542
Hunter84 18,383 3,240,21151 
Construction91 320,040 6,197,21348
Dungeoneering88 156,673 4,685,62247
Divination99 381,871 14,009,28941
Invention120 -81,862,876 81,862,87733 
Archaeology112 2,005,709 50,131,16037
Necromancy112 4,173,651 47,963,21825
Duel TournamentNot Ranked
Bounty HuntersNot Ranked
Bounty Hunter RoguesNot Ranked
Fist of GuthixNot Ranked
Mobilising ArmiesNot Ranked
Barb. Assault AttackNot Ranked
Barb. Assault DefenceNot Ranked
Barb. Assault CollectionNot Ranked
Barb. Assault HealingNot Ranked
Castle Wars GamesNot Ranked
ConquestNot Ranked
Dominion TowerNot Ranked
The CrucibleNot Ranked
GG Resource RaceNot Ranked
GG AthleticsNot Ranked
WE1 Saradomin Team ContributionNot Ranked
WE1 Zamorak Team ContributionNot Ranked