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Skill Rankings for Kesky

SkillsLevelXP to LvlProgressXPRank
Attack99 -25,468,496 39,859,65618
Strength99 -24,820,061 39,211,22118
Defence99 -82,482,948 96,874,10817
Hitpoints99 -69,576,064 83,967,22418
Magic99 -37,429,808 51,820,96820
Ranged99 -17,723,131 32,114,29122
Prayer99 -12,239,055 26,630,21519
Summoning99 -92,699,335 107,090,4959
Fishing99 -31,183,682 45,574,84229
Cooking99 -13,729,042 28,120,20222
Firemaking106 1,815,800 26,966,26924
Woodcutting109 3,623,047 35,114,61423
Fletching104 216,269 23,394,73726 
Crafting99 -32,170,364 46,561,52418
Smithing110 2,753,704 40,016,09718
Mining110 -16,822,085 59,591,88617
Herblore120 -84,873,162 200,000,0001 
Agility99 -104,698,141 119,089,30111
Thieving99 -185,608,840 200,000,0001
Slayer120 1,181,653 113,945,18521
Runecrafting99 -104,179,628 118,570,7887
Farming120 -39,780,570 154,907,40819
Hunter99 -10,081,931 24,473,09127
Construction99 -108,374,798 122,765,9588
Dungeoneering120 3,705,827 111,421,01123
Divination99 -13,561,376 27,952,53624
Invention120 -63,239,714 146,610,15917
Archaeology120 -84,873,162 200,000,0001
Necromancy120 -84,873,162 200,000,0001
Duel TournamentNot Ranked
Bounty HuntersNot Ranked
Bounty Hunter RoguesNot Ranked
Fist of GuthixNot Ranked
Mobilising ArmiesNot Ranked
Barb. Assault AttackNot Ranked
Barb. Assault DefenceNot Ranked
Barb. Assault CollectionNot Ranked
Barb. Assault HealingNot Ranked
Castle Wars GamesNot Ranked
ConquestNot Ranked
Dominion Tower2,880,46617
The CrucibleNot Ranked
GG Resource RaceNot Ranked
GG AthleticsNot Ranked
WE1 Saradomin Team ContributionNot Ranked
WE1 Zamorak Team ContributionNot Ranked