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Skill Rankings for Keskyrox

SkillsLevelXP to LvlProgressXPRank
Attack99 1,159,884 13,231,27640
Strength99 771,731 13,619,42940
Defence99 -3,309,344 17,700,50436
Hitpoints99 -7,511,440 21,902,60041
Magic99 -3,609,206 18,000,36635
Ranged99 950,516 13,440,64441
Prayer99 -6,327,875 20,719,03524
Summoning99 -1,543,670 15,934,83028
Fishing99 -37,328,549 51,719,70927
Cooking99 -1,772,413 16,163,57335
Firemaking108 925,951 34,159,70321
Woodcutting106 2,438,632 26,343,43730
Fletching99 418,341 13,972,81939
Crafting99 -7,167,798 21,558,95830
Smithing100 1,222,402 14,666,70740
Mining103 1,703,250 19,681,82339
Herblore120 5,707,085 109,419,75324 
Agility99 -2,762,984 17,154,14437
Thieving99 1,201,353 13,189,80741 
Slayer101 670,197 16,872,77940
Runecrafting99 -6,548,723 20,939,88328
Farming115 3,227,944 66,942,89634
Hunter99 437,212 13,953,94838
Construction99 -846,413 15,237,57338
Dungeoneering108 2,879,699 32,205,95538
Divination99 -20,758,294 35,149,45421
Invention120 1,146,519 82,223,92732
Archaeology120 6,254,419 108,872,41926
Necromancy105 819,810 25,248,82234
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WE1 Zamorak Team ContributionNot Ranked