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1 50 99
Skill Rankings for J1j2j3

SkillsLevelXP to LvlProgressXPRank
Attack99 -14,824,695 29,215,85521
Strength99 -11,135,500 25,526,66021
Defence99 -25,391,880 39,783,04026
Hitpoints99 -49,245,772 63,636,93222
Magic99 -58,779,024 73,170,18416
Ranged99 -37,985,518 52,376,67819
Prayer99 -2,759,664 17,150,82429
Summoning99 -2,335,129 16,726,28923 
Fishing99 -53,444,082 67,835,24222
Cooking99 -35,043,056 49,434,21618
Firemaking106 1,440,328 27,341,74123
Woodcutting110 1,457,512 41,312,28920
Fletching110 3,865,442 38,904,35922
Crafting99 -50,989,118 65,380,27815
Smithing110 3,213,618 39,556,18319
Mining110 3,431,060 39,338,74126
Herblore120 -82,901,788 198,028,62611
Agility99 -7,718,369 22,109,52930
Thieving99 -23,075,097 37,466,25725
Slayer120 -9,021,926 124,148,76416
Runecrafting99 -13,427,289 27,818,44924
Farming120 -84,873,162 200,000,0001 
Hunter99 -28,676,202 43,067,36220
Construction99 -21,740,495 36,131,65522
Dungeoneering120 -23,379,211 138,506,04914
Divination99 -103,314,761 117,705,9219
Invention120 -4,784,675 88,155,12027
Archaeology120 -69,025,229 184,152,06714
Necromancy120 10,538,262 104,588,57617
Duel TournamentNot Ranked
Bounty HuntersNot Ranked
Bounty Hunter RoguesNot Ranked
Fist of GuthixNot Ranked
Mobilising ArmiesNot Ranked
Barb. Assault Attack1,7957
Barb. Assault Defence2,0495
Barb. Assault Collection1,8538
Barb. Assault Healing1,8489
Castle Wars GamesNot Ranked
ConquestNot Ranked
Dominion Tower5,295,1494
The CrucibleNot Ranked
GG Resource RaceNot Ranked
GG Athletics55013
WE1 Saradomin Team Contribution1,207,0524
WE1 Zamorak Team ContributionNot Ranked