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Skill Rankings for Silverwiz9

SkillsLevelXP to LvlProgressXPRank
Attack99 -132,611,323 147,002,4838 
Strength99 -2,018,636 16,409,79629
Defence99 324,393 14,066,76741
Hitpoints99 -58,661,771 73,052,93121
Magic99 -3,344,183 17,735,34336
Ranged99 -17,198,352 31,589,51223
Prayer99 -4,894,999 19,286,15926
Summoning99 253,556 14,137,60435
Fishing99 -21,053,939 35,445,09930
Cooking99 -9,771,076 24,162,23625
Firemaking100 1,040,105 14,849,00438
Woodcutting105 1,208,021 24,860,61132
Fletching100 9,224 15,879,88533
Crafting99 -3,283,035 17,674,19534
Smithing101 1,039,246 16,503,73038
Mining106 1,763,120 27,018,94934
Herblore120 10,448,563 104,678,27533
Agility99 -7,536,433 21,927,59331
Thieving99 -8,427,556 22,818,71630
Slayer120 4,582,817 110,544,02124
Runecrafting99 -1,413,685 15,804,84531
Farming120 2,943,030 112,183,80827
Hunter99 -772,715 15,163,87535
Construction99 -7,097,051 21,488,21130
Dungeoneering117 1,016,475 84,522,60731
Divination99 -2,825,046 17,216,20636
Invention120 -1,378,398 84,748,84329
Archaeology117 3,140,048 82,399,03433
Necromancy80 126,924 2,065,89444  
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Barb. Assault Attack1,17510
Barb. Assault DefenceNot Ranked
Barb. Assault Collection69514
Barb. Assault HealingNot Ranked
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WE1 Saradomin Team ContributionNot Ranked
WE1 Zamorak Team ContributionNot Ranked